Recent Academic Publications






  Recent Academic Publications

Paul Watkiss Associates has a strong academic focus, which underpins our policy consultancy. 

Recent publications and links to abstracts are included below.

Van Ginkel, Kees; Botzen, Willem Jan Wouter; Haasnoot, Marjolijn; Bachner, Gabriel; Steininger, Karl; Hinkel, Jochen; Watkiss, Paul; Boere, Esther; Jeuken, Ad; Sainz de Murieta, Elisa; Bosello, Francesco (2020).

Climate change induced socio-economic tipping points: review and stakeholder consultation for policy relevant research


Vaughan, C., Hansen, J., Roudier, P., Watkiss, P. and Carr, E. (2019).

Evaluating agricultural weather and climate services in Africa: Evidence, methods, and a learning agenda.

WIREs Clim Change. 2019;10:e586.

Watkiss P and Hunt A (2018).

Costs and Benefits of Adaptation:  "Economic Appraisal of Adaptation Options for the Agriculture Sector."

In. Economic Tools and Methods for the Analysis of Global Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security. Editor. Quiroga. S. Published by Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-99462-8. DOI. 10.1007/978-3-319-99462-8

Warren, Rachel., Wilby, Rob., Brown, Kathryn., Watkiss, Paul., Betts, Richard., Murphy, James., Lowe, Jason.  (2018).

Advancing national climate change risk assessment to deliver national adaptation plans.

Philosophical Transactions A. DOI 10.1098/rsta.2017.0295

Watkiss, P and Hunt, A (2016).

Assessing Climate Resilient Development Options.

In. The Economics of Climate-Resilient Development. Edited by Fankhauser, S, and McDermott, T.K. Published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, London, UK. ISBN: 978 1 78536 030 5 DOI 10.4337/9781785360312.

Watkiss, P (2016).

Adaptation Experience and Prioritisation.

In. The Economics of Climate-Resilient Development. Edited by Fankhauser, S, and McDermott, T.K. Published by Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, London, UK. ISBN: 978 1 78536 030 5 DOI 10.4337/9781785360312.

Alistair Hunt, Julia Ferguson, Michela Baccini, Paul Watkiss, Vladimir Kendrovski (2016). 

Climate and Weather Service Provision: Economic Appraisal of Adaptation to Health Impacts. 

Climate Services.

Lindsey Jones,   Andrew Dougill, Richard G. Jones, Anna Steynor, Paul Watkiss, Cheikh Kane, Bettina Koelle, Wilfran Moufouma-Okia, Jon Padgham, Nicola Ranger, Jean-Pierre Roux, Pablo Suarez, Thomas Tanner & Katharine Vincent (2015). 

Ensuring climate information guides long-term development.

Nature Climate Change  5, 812–814 (2015) doi:10.1038/nclimate2701


Watkiss, P., Benzie, M, and Klein, R. J. T (2015).

The complementarity and comparability of climate change adaptation and mitigation.

WIREs Clim Change 2015, 6:541–557. doi: 10.1002/wcc.368


Watkiss, P., Hunt, A., Blyth, W. and Dyszynski, J (2014).

The use of new economic decision support tools for adaptation assessment: A review of methods and applications, towards guidance on applicability.

Climatic Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1250-9


Anna Tainio, Risto K. Heikkinen, Janne Heliölä, Alistair Hunt, Niko Leikola, Sanna Lötjönen, Olga Mashkina1, Paul Watkiss and Timothy R. Carter (2014).

Conservation of grassland butterflies in Finland under a changing climate.

Regional Environmental Change. REC-D-13-00375.


Vautard, Robert; Gobiet, Andreas; Sobolowski, Stefan; Kjellström, Erik; Stegehuis, Annemiek; Watkiss, Paul; Mendlik, Thomas; Landgren, Oskar; Nikulin, Grigory; Teichmann, Claas; Jacob, Daniela (2014).

The European climate under a 2°C global warming.

Environment Research Letters: ERL-100114.R1 


Hunt, A. S. P., Wilby, R. L., Dale, N., Sura, K. and P. Watkiss (2014).

Embodied water imports to the UK under climate change.

Climate Research. 59:89-101.  doi: 10.3354/cr01200.


Rojas, R, Feyen, L and Watkiss, P. (2013).

Climate Change and River Floods in the European Union: Socio-Economic Consequences and the Costs and Benefits of Adaptation.

Global Environmental Change. GEC-D-13-00086R2.  Available online 17 September 2013 


Watkiss, P. and Hunt, A. (2012). 

Projection of economic impacts of climate change in sectors of Europe based on bottom up analysis: human health.

Climatic Change, 2012, Volume 112, Number 1, Pages 101-126. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0342-z

Watkiss, P. and Hope, C. (2011). 

Using the social cost of carbon in regulatory deliberations.

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Climate Change. Vol 2, Issue 6. WIREs Clim Change 2011, 2:886–901. doi: 10.1002/wcc.140


Watkiss, P. (2011). 

Aggregate Economic Measures of Climate Change Damages: Explaining the Differences and Implications.

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews - Climate Change. Vol 2, Issue 3, start page 356.  Published online. 2 May 2011. DOI: 10.1002/wcc.111


Hunt, A., and Watkiss, P. (2011).

Climate change impacts and adaptation in cities: a review of the literature.

Climatic Change.  Special Issue: Understanding Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation at City Scale.  Volume 104, Number 1 (2011), 13-49, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-010-9975-6.


Juan-Carlos Ciscar, Ana Iglesias, Luc Feyen, László Szabó, Denise van Regemorter, Bas Amelung, Robert Nicholls, Paul Watkiss, et al (2011).

Physical and Economic Consequences of Climate Change in EUROPE.

PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  Physical Sciences - Environmental Sciences. PNAS January 31, 2011.



Neufeldt, H., Jochem, E., Hinkel, J., Huitema, D., Massey, D., Watkiss, P., McEvoy, D., Rayner, T., Hof, A. and Lonsdale, K. (2010).

Climate policy and inter-linkages between adaptation and mitigation.

Chapter 1.  In. Making Climate Change Work for Us.  European perspectives of adaptation and mitigation strategies (ADAM).  Editors: Mike Hulme and Henry Neufeldt.  Published by Cambridge University Press. 2010.